#include "::/Adam/Net/Socket" #include "::/Adam/Net/UrlParse" #define HTTP_ECONNECT (-101) #define HTTP_EPROTOCOL (-102) #define HTTP_EREQUEST (-103) #define HTTP_EREDIRECT (-104) #define HTTP_EEOF (-105) #define HTTP_ECONTENTLENGTH (-106) #define HTTP_MAX_REDIRECTS 5 #define HTTP_USER_AGENT "Adam/Net/Http (TinkerOS V5.17)" /** * @param len_out (required) requires the content length, or -1 if unspecified * @return socket (>= 0) on success, error code on failure */ I64 HttpOpenGet(U8* host, U16 port = 0, U8* path, I64* len_out, I64 allowed_redirects = HTTP_MAX_REDIRECTS) { U8 line[256]; I64 error = 0; if (!port) port = 80; // Should this be done here though? if (*path == 0) path = "/"; //"Connect(%s:%d)\n", host, port; I64 sock = create_connection(host, port); //"create_connection: %d\n", sock; if (sock >= 0) { StrPrint(line, "GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n", path); sendString(sock, line, 0); StrPrint(line, "Host: %s\r\n", host); sendString(sock, line, 0); sendString(sock, "User-Agent: " HTTP_USER_AGENT "\r\n", 0); sendString(sock, "\r\n", 0); Bool haveHTTP = FALSE; U8* location = NULL; I64 code = -1; *len_out = -1; while (1) { error = recvLine(sock, line, sizeof(line), 0); if (error < 0) { break; } else if (error == 0) { if (!haveHTTP) error = HTTP_EPROTOCOL; break; } U8* delim; //"%s\n", line; if (!haveHTTP) { delim = StrFirstOcc(line, " "); if (delim && StrNCmp(line, "HTTP/", 5) == 0) { code = Str2I64(delim + 1); if (code >= 200 && code <= 399) { haveHTTP = TRUE; } else { error = HTTP_EREQUEST; break; } } else { error = HTTP_EREQUEST; break; } } else { delim = StrFirstOcc(line, ":"); if (!delim) { error = HTTP_EPROTOCOL; break; } *delim = 0; do { delim++; } while (*delim == ' '); //"%s=%s\n", line, delim; if (!StrCmp(line, "Content-Length")) { StrScan(delim, "%d", len_out); } else if (!StrCmp(line, "Location")) { // This will leak on malformed response location = StrNew(delim); } } } // HTTP Code 3xx -- Redirection if (!error && code >= 300 && code <= 399) { if (allowed_redirects > 0) { CUrl curl; UrlInit(&curl); if (UrlParse(location, &curl)) { if (!StrCmp(curl.protocol, "http")) { close(sock); sock = HttpOpenGet(curl.host, curl.port, curl.path, len_out, allowed_redirects - 1); if (sock < 0) error = sock; } else error = HTTP_EPROTOCOL; } else error = HTTP_EREDIRECT; UrlFree(&curl); } else { error = HTTP_EREDIRECT; } } Free(location); } else error = HTTP_ECONNECT; if (error) { close(sock); return error; } else { return sock; } } I64 HttpGet(U8* host, U16 port = 0, U8* path, U8** data_out = NULL, I64* len_out = NULL) { I64 error = 0; I64 len = 0; I64 sock = HttpOpenGet(host, port, path, &len); if (sock > 0) { if (len >= 0) { U8* data = MAlloc(1 + len); I64 total = 0; while (total < len) { I64 step = len - total; if (step > 1024) step = 1024; I64 got = recv(sock, data + total, step, 0); if (got <= 0) { error = HTTP_EEOF; break; } total += got; } if (error) { Free(data); } else { if (data_out) { data[total] = 0; *data_out = data; } if (len_out) *len_out = len; } } else // We currently don't handle dynamic-length HTTP responses error = HTTP_ECONTENTLENGTH; close(sock); } else error = sock; return error; }