U0 UDPTest() { CAddressInfo *result = NULL; I64 error; U8 *b; if (ipv4_globals.local_ip == 0) { // This test needs to have the network configured first. NetConfigure; } error = DNSAddressInfoGet("zenithos.org", NULL, &result); if (error < 0) { NetErr("failed at DNS Get Address Info."); } else { CUDPSocket *u = UDPSocket(AF_INET); CSocketAddressIPV4 *ipv4_addr = result->address; ipv4_addr->port = EndianU16(80); b = CAlloc(4); b[0] = 0xDE; b[1] = 0xAD; b[2] = 0xBE; b[3] = 0xEF; while (TRUE) { UDPSocketSendTo(u, b, 4, ipv4_addr); Sleep(300); } } } UDPTest;