Cd Funct Change directory. Optionally, make directories, too. Cdd Funct Change directory and list contents Copy Funct Copy files. CopyTree Funct Copy directory tree. DBlk Funct DClus Funct Del Funct Delete files. DelTree Funct Delete directory tree. Diff Funct Report differences between two files and merge differences Dir Funct List directory. DirMk Funct Make directory. Cd() can also make directories. DirTreeSerialize Funct Serialize tree returned from FilesFind() into a one contiguous U8 array. DirTreeUnserialize Funct Unserialize tree to make it like a tree returned from FilesFind(). DocD Funct Dump live chunk of mem showing offsets. Can be edited. DocDm Funct Dump live chunk of mem showing addresses. Can be edited. DocMax Funct Set max document entries. (Cmd line buffer size.) Drv Funct Change drive. You can set drive with Cd() as well. DrvMap Funct Make drive letter map to another. DrvMounted Funct Returns true if drv_let is mounted DrvRep Funct Drive report. DrvUnused Funct Returns unused size in bytes. DrvView Funct Drive view. Graph the allocation map's fragmentation. DskChg Funct Change disk. (Needed for removable media.) DskChk Funct Check disk for allocation errors and, optionally, fix. DskPrt Funct Partition disk DskView Funct Disk view. Pie chart of partition sizes. Dump Funct Ed Funct Invoke document editor. F Funct Find text in all text files. FD Funct Find text in cur dir text files. FF Funct Files find. List files matching mask. FileCnt Funct Cnt of files in CDirEntry tree. FileMgr Funct File manager. Also, used to choose files and dirs. FileOcc Funct { Find Funct { Fmt Funct Format hard drive or RAM drive. HashDepthRep Funct Hash table linked-list chain depth report. HomeSet Funct Change home directory. IsFile Funct Test if file exists LineRep Funct Source line-of-code count report. LinkChk Funct Check documents for broken file links. LongLines Funct Report files with lines of too many cols. Man Funct Owner's manual for symbol. Edit src code for symbol. MemRep Funct Memory usage report. Merge Funct Merge text files from one list into another. Mount Funct Mount drives. Called from DskPrt(Mount). MountFile Funct Mount ISO.C file. Move Funct Move files from one location to another or rename. NewFiles Funct Report files newer than a certain date. Plain Funct Edit document in plain text mode, so dollar signs are not special. R Funct Find text and replace in all text files. RD Funct Find text and replace in cur dir text files. S2T Funct Spaces to tabs. SU Funct Apply StrUtil() on files. ScrnCast Funct WinMgr saves GR files to a dir. Size Funct Total size of files in mask. "+x" for expanded size. SizeRep Funct Report file sizes. "+x" for expanded size of compressed files. Sort Funct Sort lines of a text file. Removes blank lines. TOSToFuncRep Funct Convert DolDocfile to HTML. TOSToHtml Funct Convert DolDocfile to HTML. ToDolDoc Funct Convert text file to DolDoc by making double $'s. ToTXT Funct Convert DolDocfile to plain text. Touch Funct { Type Funct Output txt or graphic file to command line. Unmount Funct Unmount drive(s). Unzip Funct Uncompress files by moving to not .Z filename. Who Funct Dump hash symbol table. Who23 Funct Dump hash symbol table. Who3 Funct Dump hash symbol table. Words Funct Break file into list of not-unique words. Zip Funct Compress files by moving to .Z filename. ZipRep Funct Report file compressibility. scrncast GlbVar CScrnCastGlbls scrncast;
Cmd Line (Typically) The profiler records where the CPU was executing when the 1000Hz timer interrupt occured, so you can learn where time is spent. Use the Prof() depth argument to record a hit in the N routines which called the current routine, as well. When done collecting statistics, use ProfRep() for a report. You might need a DocMax() to expand the command line window buffer to fit it all. Study the code. The profiler is very simple. You might want to enhance it or modify it to debug something in particular. Prof Funct { ProfRep Funct Profiler report. Call Prof() first and collect data.
Cmd Line (Typically)/Profiler