//Puts the cursor at the bottom. Msg(MSG_KEY_DOWN,0,SC_CURSOR_DOWN|SCF_CTRL); "\n"; TourPut( "You are now at the command line which is " "simply a front end for the HolyC compiler.\n" "\n" "The syntax is like $GREEN$C/C++$FG$ except you don't need $GREEN$()$FG$ " "if there are no args.\n" "\n" ,TRUE); TourPut( "Also instead of having to type printf you simply " "just put what you want in quotes and the format string " "parameters after it.\n" ,TRUE); TourPut( "Type the following simple program:\n\n" "$DKGREEN$I64 i=5;$FG$\n" "$DKGREEN$i++;$FG$\n" "$DKGREEN$\"i=%d\\n\",i;$FG$\n" "\n" "The equivalent C code is:\n\n" "$DKGREEN$int i=5;$FG$\n" "$DKGREEN$i++;$FG$\n" "$DKGREEN$printf(\"i=%d\\n\",i);$FG$\n" ); InGetStr("I64 i=5;\ni++;\n\"i=%d\\n\",i;\n"); TourPut( "Notice how after each statement line there is an " "intermediate result as either a $GREEN$ans$FG$ or " "a string output. This happens because every statement " "is compiled and executed in \"JIT\" (just-in-time) by " "fashion the HolyC compiler! Also notice how it is preceeded " "by a time value. This is how long in seconds it took to both " "compile and execute that statement.\n" ,TRUE); /* InPrint(10,"Ed(\"/Doc/HolyC.DD.Z\");\n"); TourPut( "Now look over the HolyC documentation.\n\n" "Press $GREEN$<SHIFT-ESC>$FG$ to abort saving changes " "and exit this file when done.\n" ); InUntilChar(CH_SHIFT_ESC); TourPut( "You've finished this tour!" ,TRUE); */