//Puts the cursor at the bottom. Msg(MSG_KEY_DOWN,0,SC_CURSOR_DOWN|SCF_CTRL); "\n"; TourPut( "You are now at the command line.\n" "\n" "The syntax is like $GREEN$C/C++$FG$ except you don't need $GREEN$()$FG$ " "if there are no args.\n" "\n" "Type \"$GREEN$Cdd;$FG$\" and press $GREEN$<ENTER>$FG$.\n\n" "You must remember the semicolon.\n" "This will change to and list your home directory\n"); InGetStr("Cdd;\n"); TourPut( "The \"$GREEN$Cdd$FG$\" function is a TinkerOS " "shortcut for running \"$GREEN$Cd;Dir;$FG$\"\n\n" "This shortcut was added since " "frequently when working on the " "command line as soon as you change " "directories, you usually want to list " "the files inside it.\n\n" "You may optionally pass in a directory " "too.\n\n" "Press $GREEN$<SPACE>$FG$ or click OK.",TRUE); TourPut( "You can change the target frame rate in " "TinkerOS with the \"$GREEN$SetFPS$FG$\" function.\n\n" "Try running: \"$GREEN$SetFPS(60);$FG$\"\n"); InGetStr("SetFPS(60);\n"); InPrint(25,"Cdd(\"/Demo/ScreenSavers\");\n"); TourPut( "There are no display drivers to sleep your monitor " "so TinkerOS has some screen savers available.\n\n" "You can Adam Include these to replace the default.\n\n" "You can set the screen saver timeout in seconds with the " "\"$GREEN$SetScreenSaverTimeout$FG$\" function.\n",TRUE); InPrint(25,"Ed(\"~/MakeHome.HC.Z\");\n"); TourPut( "This is your MakeHome file. It is a good place to " "Adam include your preferred screen saver and setup " "your settings like FPS, screen saver timeout, etc. " "You can also do things like disable autocomplete or " "add additional things to load here on startup.\n\n" "For example you could add the line:\n" "AdamFile(\"/Demo/ScreenSavers/NewGlass.HC.Z\");\n\n" "Press $GREEN$<SHIFT-ESC>$FG$ to abort saving changes " "and exit this file and tour.\n"); InGetChar(CH_SHIFT_ESC);