
AutoComplete is the LTGRAY window on the right of the scrn. ACInit() collects words from all text files in subdirectories. Normally, the call to ACInit() is in HomeSys.HC. It provides auto-complete for typing, jump-to-code and jump-to-dictionary functionality. <ALT-SHIFT-A> Closes the LTGRAY AutoComplete window. <ALT-a> Opens the LTGRAY AutoComplete window. <CTRL-SHIFT-F1> Jumps to the source code for 1st symbol in the window. <CTRL-SHIFT-F2> Jumps to the source code for 2nd symbol in the window. <CTRL-SHIFT-Fn> Jumps to the source code for n-th symbol in the window. <CTRL-F1> Autocompletes the 1st symbol in the window. <CTRL-F2> Autocompletes the 2nd symbol in the window. <CTRL-Fn> Autocompletes the n-th symbol in the window. <CTRL-SHIFT-1> Jumps to the dictionary for 1st symbol in the window. <CTRL-SHIFT-2> Jumps to the dictionary for 2nd symbol in the window. <CTRL-SHIFT-n> Jumps to the dictionary for n-th symbol in the window. <CTRL-1> Autocompletes the 1st dictionary word in the window. <CTRL-2> Autocompletes the 2nd dictionary word in the window. <CTRL-n> Autocompletes the n-th dictionary word in the window. If you have the raw Project Gutenberg dictionary file, you can generate the TempleOS processed dictionary files with the stand-alone program ::/Adam/AutoComplete/ACDictGen.HC. ACInit Funct Read files and build AutoComplete statistics. ACInit Funct Read files and build AutoComplete statistics. AutoComplete Funct Turn AutoComplete OFF or ON. AutoComplete Funct Turn AutoComplete OFF or ON. CAutoCompleteGlbls Class class CAutoCompleteGlbls ac GlbVar CAutoCompleteGlbls ac;


ACDDefGet Funct MAlloc str holding single dict definition of word. ACDDefGet Funct MAlloc str holding single dict definition of word. ACDDefsGet Funct MAlloc str with all dict definitions of word. ACDDefsGet Funct MAlloc str with all dict definitions of word. ACDDefsPut Funct Put to doc a dictionary definition(s) of a word. ACDDefsPut Funct Put to doc a dictionary definition(s) of a word. ACDWordPtAt Funct Point to word in word list. ACDWordPtAt Funct Point to word in word list. ACDWordsLoad Funct Put words from word list into hash table. ACDWordsLoad Funct Put words from word list into hash table. CAutoCompleteDictGlblsClass class CAutoCompleteDictGlbls acd GlbVar CAutoCompleteDictGlbls acd;