
These take a pointer to a bit field. Bt: Bit Test Bts: Bit Test and Set to one Btr: Bit Test and Rst to zero Btc: Bit Test and Compliment (toggle) BEqu: Set bit to value. Bit operations are "atomic", no interrupt between the reading and writing the bit, important when multitasking. For multicore use "locked" forms. These don't take a pointer, but the actual field. Bsf: Bit Scan Fwd (Pos of first low one bit or -1) Bsr: Bit Scan Rev (Pos of first high one bit or -1) BCnt: Bit Cnt (Cnt of set bits) BCnt Funct Count set bits in I64. BEqu Funct Set bit equ to val. BFieldExtU32 Funct Extract U32 from bit field. BFieldOrU32 Funct Or U32 into bit field. Bsf Funct Scan fwd from lowest for 1st set. -1 if not found. Bsr Funct Scan rev from highest for 1st set. -1 if not found. Bt Funct Bit test. Btc Funct Bit test and complement (same as xor with 1). Btr Funct Bit test and reset to zero. Bts Funct Bit test and set to one. LBEqu Funct Locked Set bit equ to val. LBtc Funct Locked bit test and complement (xor with 1). LBtr Funct Locked bit test and reset to zero. LBts Funct Locked bit test and set to one. rev_bits_table GlbVar Table with U8 bits revd set_bits_table GlbVar Table with count of set bits in a U8