
The word Pag refers to an arbitrilly created MEM_PAG_SIZE unit of heap allocation. TempleOS does not alter the CPU page tables after setting them up at boot in SYS_INIT_PAGE_TABLES, so the CPU hardware page size is rarely important. BlkPoolAdd Funct Add mem to BlkPool. BlkPoolInit Funct Make mem chunk into a BlkPool. CBlkPool Class class CBlkPool MemPagAlloc Funct Alloc pags from BlkPool. Don't link to task. MemPagFree Funct Return non-task pags to BlkPool. Scale2Mem Funct Helps pick DiskCache and RAMDisk sizes. sys_code_bp GlbVar System's BlkPool for code. sys_data_bp GlbVar System's BlkPool for data.