
EndianI64 Funct Swap big<-->little endian. EndianU16 Funct Swap big<-->little endian. EndianU32 Funct Swap big<-->little endian. FileNameTmpTxt Funct Make pretty-safe tmp filename in home dir. QSort Funct Quick Sort: fp_compare() passes by ref. QSortI64 Funct Quick Sort for width==8. sys_compile_time GlbVar CDate sys_compile_time; //Date and time kernel was compiled. sys_os_version GlbVar sys_os_version=5.030;


HostChgDsk Funct Help user change CD/DVD or ISO_file.

Misc/Progress Bars

ProgressBarsRst Funct Reset all progress bars to zero. progress1 GlbVar Current progress 1. progress1_desc GlbVar U8 progress1_desc[PROGRESS_DESC_LEN]; //Progress 1 desc. progress1_max GlbVar Progress 1 max. progress1_t0 GlbVar Progress 1 start time. progress1_tf GlbVar Progress 1 end time. progress2 GlbVar Current progress 2. progress2_desc GlbVar U8 progress2_desc[PROGRESS_DESC_LEN]; //Progress 2 desc. progress2_max GlbVar Progress 2 max. progress2_t0 GlbVar Progress 2 start time. progress2_tf GlbVar Progress 2 end time. progress3 GlbVar Current progress 3. progress3_desc GlbVar U8 progress3_desc[PROGRESS_DESC_LEN]; //Progress 3 desc. progress3_max GlbVar Progress 3 max. progress3_t0 GlbVar Progress 3 start time. progress3_tf GlbVar Progress 3 end time. progress4 GlbVar Current progress 4. progress4_desc GlbVar U8 progress4_desc[PROGRESS_DESC_LEN]; //Progress 4 desc. progress4_max GlbVar Progress 4 max. progress4_t0 GlbVar Progress 4 start time. progress4_tf GlbVar Progress 4 end time. sys_progresses GlbVar CProgress sys_progresses[PROGRESS_BARS_NUM]; //All progress bars.


BMP2Doc Funct Use OCR to make a text DolDoc from BMP file. DC2Doc Funct Use OCR to make a text DolDoc from CDC. DskChkAll Funct DskChk on C & D. FreshenSite Funct Regen html files in D:/Wb GetSymFileLink Funct { Profanity Funct Scan for profanity. TOSChgLog Funct Opdate ChgLog file. TOSStdIns Funct Completes TOS install from TOS_Distro.ISO TOSStdIns Funct Completes TOS install from TOS_Distro.ISO


TOSBootHDIns Funct Make Compiler and Kernel. Reinstall Kernel. TOSCopyDrv Funct Fmt dst and copy entire drv. TOSGetDrv Funct Pmt for drv let. TOSHomeIn Funct Copy D:/Home to C:/Home TOSHomeOut Funct Copy C:/Home to D:/Home TOSPmtAndCopyDrv Funct Pmt for drv lets. Then, Fmt dst and copy entire drv. TOSPreRegen Funct Copy bookmarks and bins from D:/Home/Sup1 to C:/Home/Sup1 TOSRegen Funct Generate distro ISO's and website image, D:/Wb. TOSSongsIn Funct Copy songs from D:/Home/Sup1 to C:/Home/Sup1 TOSSongsOut Funct Copy songs from C:/Home/Sup1 to D:/Home/Sup1