#help_index "AutoComplete" #help_file "::/Doc/AutoComplete" public extern CAutoCompleteGlbls ac; #help_index "AutoComplete/Dictionary" public extern CAutoCompleteDictGlbls acd; #help_index "Bit" public extern I64 BCnt(I64 d); public extern U8 *rev_bits_table,*set_bits_table; #help_index "Boot" #help_file "::/Doc/Boot" public extern U0 Reboot(); #help_index "Call" public argpop extern I64 CallStkGrow(I64 stk_size_threshold,I64 stk_size, /*argpop*/I64 (*fp_addr)(...),...); //fp_addr can have any fixed number of arguments. #help_index "Call/FarCall32" public _extern _FAR_CALL32 Bool FarCall32(U0 (*fp_addr)());//Not reentrant public _extern C32_EAX U32 c32_eax; public _extern C32_EBX U32 c32_ebx; public _extern C32_ECX U32 c32_ecx; public _extern C32_EDI U32 c32_edi; public _extern C32_EDX U32 c32_edx; public _extern C32_EFLAGS U32 c32_eflags; public _extern C32_ESI U32 c32_esi; #help_index "Char/BitMaps" public extern U32 char_bmp_alpha[16],char_bmp_alpha_numeric[16], char_bmp_alpha_numeric_no_at[16], char_bmp_word[16], char_bmp_dec_numeric[16], char_bmp_hex_numeric[16], char_bmp_white_space[16], char_bmp_non_eol_white_space[16], char_bmp_zero_cr_nl_cursor[16], char_bmp_zero_tab_cr_nl_cursor[16], char_bmp_zero_tab_cr_nl_cursor_dollar[16], char_bmp_macro[16], char_bmp_printable[16], char_bmp_displayable[16], char_bmp_safe_dollar[16], char_bmp_filename[16], char_bmp_non_eol[16]; #help_index "Char/Conversion" public extern U8 *Char2KeyName(I64 ch,Bool include_ctrl=TRUE); public extern I64 Char2ScanCode(I64 ch,I64 sc_flags=0); public extern U8 ScanCode2Char(I64 sc); public extern U8 *ScanCode2KeyName(I64 sc); public extern F64 Str2F64(U8 *src,U8 **_end_ptr=NULL); public extern I64 Str2I64(U8 *st,I64 radix=10,U8 **_end_ptr=NULL); public extern U8 *StrScan(U8 *src,U8 *fmt,...); #help_index "Char/Conversion;Time/Date/CDate;Date/CDate" public extern CDate Str2Date(U8 *src); #help_index "Char/Flags" public extern U0 ScanFlags(U8 *_dst_flags,U8 *lst,U8 *src); public extern U8 *StrPrintFlags(U8 *dst,U8 *lst,I64 flags); #help_index "Char/Lists" public extern I64 LstMatch(U8 *needle, U8 *haystack_lst,I64 flags=0); public extern U8 *LstSub(I64 sub, U8 *lst); #help_index "Char/Operations" public extern U8 *MStrPrint(U8 *fmt,...); public extern U8 *MStrUtil(U8 *src,I64 flags,F64 indent_scale_factor=0); public extern U8 *ScaleIndent(U8 *src,F64 indent_scale_factor); public extern I64 Spaces2Tabs(U8 *dst,U8 *src); public _extern _STRCMP I64 StrCmp(U8 *st1,U8 *st2); public _extern _STRCPY U0 StrCpy(U8 *dst,U8 *src); public extern U8 *StrFind(U8 *needle,U8 *haystack_str,I64 flags=0); public extern U8 *StrFirstOcc(U8 *src,U8 *marker); public extern U8 *StrFirstRem(U8 *src,U8 *marker,U8 *dst=NULL); public _extern _STRICMP I64 StrICmp(U8 *st1,U8 *st2); public _extern _STRIMATCH U8 *StrIMatch(U8 *needle,U8 *haystack_str); public extern U8 *StrLastOcc(U8 *src,U8 *marker); public extern U8 *StrLastRem(U8 *src,U8 *marker,U8 *dst=NULL); public _extern _STRMATCH U8 *StrMatch(U8 *needle,U8 *haystack_str); public _extern _STRNCMP I64 StrNCmp(U8 *st1,U8 *st2,I64 n); public _extern _STRNICMP I64 StrNICmp(U8 *st1,U8 *st2,I64 n); public extern I64 StrOcc(U8 *src, U8 ch); public extern U8 *StrPrint(U8 *dst,U8 *fmt,...); public extern U8 *StrPrintJoin(U8 *dst,U8 *fmt,I64 argc,I64 *argv); public extern U8 *StrUtil(U8 *_src,I64 flags); public extern U8 *Tabs2Spaces(U8 *src); public extern Bool WildMatch(U8 *test_str,U8 *wild_str); #help_index "Char/Operations;Memory" public extern U8 *CatPrint(U8 *dst,U8 *fmt,...); #help_index "Char/Operations;Memory/Adam Heap" public extern U8 *AStrNew(U8 *buf); #help_index "Char/Operations;Memory/Heap" public extern U8 *StrNew(U8 *buf,CTask *mem_task=NULL); #help_index "Char/Output;StdOut" public extern U0 GetOutOfDollar(); public extern Bool IsSilent(); public extern U0 Print(U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 PrintErr(U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 PrintWarn(U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 PutChars(U64 ch); extern U0 PutHex(I64 num,I64 width); public extern U0 PutKey(I64 ch=0,I64 sc=0); extern U0 PutS(U8 *st); //Use Print() public extern Bool Silent(Bool val=ON); extern U8 *StrPrintHex(U8 *dst,I64 num;I64 width); #help_index "Char;Debugging/Raw Output;TextBase Layer/Char" public extern CTextGlbls text; #help_index "Compiler/Lex" public extern U0 HashSrcFileSet(CCmpCtrl *cc, CHashSrcSym *h,I64 line_num_offset=0); #help_index "Compiler;Cmd Line (Typically)" extern U8 *Load(U8 *filename,I64 ld_flags=0, CBinFile *bfh_addr=INVALID_PTR); //INVALID_PTR=don't care what load addr #help_index "Compression" public extern CArcCompress *CompressBuf(U8 *src,I64 size,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern U8 *ExpandBuf(CArcCompress *arc,CTask *mem_task=NULL); #help_index "Compression/Piece by Piece" public extern U0 ArcCompressBuf(CArcCtrl *c); public extern U0 ArcCtrlDel(CArcCtrl *c); public extern CArcCtrl *ArcCtrlNew(Bool expand,I64 compression_type=CT_8_BIT); public extern U0 ArcExpandBuf(CArcCtrl *c); public extern Bool ArcFinishCompression(CArcCtrl *c); #help_index "Data Types/Circular Queue" public extern I64 QueCnt(CQue *head); public extern CQue *QueCopy(CQue *head,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern U0 QueDel(CQue *head,Bool querem=FALSE); public extern I64 QueSize(CQue *head); #help_index "Data Types/Fifo" public extern I64 FifoI64Cnt(CFifoI64 *f); public extern U0 FifoI64Del(CFifoI64 *f); public extern U0 FifoI64Flush(CFifoI64 *f); public extern Bool FifoI64Ins(CFifoI64 *f,I64 q); public extern CFifoI64 *FifoI64New(I64 size,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern Bool FifoI64Peek(CFifoI64 *f,I64 *_q); public extern Bool FifoI64Rem(CFifoI64 *f,I64 *_q); public extern I64 FifoU8Cnt(CFifoU8 *f); public extern U0 FifoU8Del(CFifoU8 *f); public extern U0 FifoU8Flush(CFifoU8 *f); public extern Bool FifoU8Ins(CFifoU8 *f,U8 b); public extern CFifoU8 *FifoU8New(I64 size,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern Bool FifoU8Peek(CFifoU8 *f,U8 *_b); public extern Bool FifoU8Rem(CFifoU8 *f,U8 *_b); #help_index "Data Types/Linked List" public extern I64 LinkedLstCnt(U8 **_lst); public extern U8 *LinkedLstCopy(U8 **_lst,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern U0 LinkedLstDel(U8 **_lst); public extern I64 LinkedLstSize(U8 **_lst); #help_index "Data Types/Queue Vector" public extern U0 QueVectU8Del(CQueVectU8 *v); public extern I64 QueVectU8Get(CQueVectU8 *v,I64 idx); public extern CQueVectU8 *QueVectU8New(I64 min_idx=0); public extern U0 QueVectU8Put(CQueVectU8 *v,I64 idx,U8 ch); #help_index "Debugging" public extern U8 *Caller(I64 num=1); public extern Bool ChkCodePtr(U8 *ptr); public extern Bool ChkOnStk(U8 *ptr,CTask *task=NULL); public extern Bool ChkPtr(U8 *ptr); public extern Bool IsSingleUser(); public extern Bool IsSysDbg(); public extern Bool SingleUser(Bool val); public extern Bool SysDbg(Bool val); public extern U8 *TaskCaller(CTask *task=NULL, I64 num=0,Bool saved_context=FALSE); public extern I64 UnusedStk(CTask *task=NULL); public extern CDbgGlbls dbg; #help_index "Debugging/Debugger" public extern Bool B(U8 *addr,CTask *task=NULL,Bool live=TRUE) //Toggle bpt. public extern I64 B2(CTask *task=NULL,Bool live=TRUE); extern CBpt *BptFind(U8 *needle_addr,CTask *haystack_task=NULL,Bool rem=FALSE); public extern Bool BptR(U8 *addr,CTask *task=NULL,Bool live=TRUE,Bool rem=TRUE); public extern Bool BptS(U8 *addr,CTask *task=NULL,Bool live=TRUE); public extern Bool DbgMode(Bool val); public extern Bool E(U8 *addr,I64 cnt=512,I64 edf_dof_flags=0); public extern Bool EdLite(U8 *filename,I64 num=1,I64 edf_dof_flags=0); extern Bool EdLiteFileLine(U8 *fl_file_line,I64 edf_dof_flags=0); public extern Bool Fix(I64 edf_dof_flags=0); public extern U0 FixSet(U8 *filename,I64 line); public extern U0 G(U8 *ms=INVALID_PTR,CTask *task=NULL); public extern U0 G2(U8 *ms=INVALID_PTR,CTask *task=NULL); public extern Bool IsDbgMode(); public extern U0 S(U8 *ms=INVALID_PTR,CTask *task=NULL); #help_index "Debugging/Debugger;DolDoc/Cmd Line (Typically);"\ "Cmd Line (Typically);Help System" public extern Bool Man(U8 *st,I64 edf_dof_flags=0); #help_index "Debugging/Dump" public extern U0 CallerRep(U8 **rbp=NULL,CTask *task=NULL); public extern U0 D(U8 *addr,I64 cnt=0x80,Bool show_offset=TRUE); public extern U0 Da(U8 **addr,I64 cnt=0x10); public extern U0 Dm(U8 *addr,I64 cnt=0x80); public extern U0 Dr(CTask *task=NULL); public extern U0 StkRep(CTask *task=NULL); extern I64 *TaskRegAddr(CTask *task,I64 reg_num); #help_index "Debugging/FunSeg" #help_file "::/Doc/DbgFunSeg" public extern Bool PutSrcLink(U8 *addr,I64 cnt=1,U8 *buf=NULL); public extern U8 *SrcEdLink(U8 *addr,I64 cnt=1,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern U8 *SrcFileName(U8 *addr,I64 cnt=1,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern I64 SrcLineNum(U8 *addr,I64 cnt=1); #help_index "Debugging/FunSeg;Hash/System" public extern CHash *FunSegFind(U8 *addr,I64 *_offset); #help_index "Debugging/Raw Output" public extern Bool IsRaw(); public extern Bool Raw(Bool val); public extern U0 RawD(I64 mS=100,U8 *addr,I64 cnt=0x80); public extern U0 RawDm(I64 mS=100,U8 *addr,I64 cnt=0x80); extern U0 RawDr(CTask *task=NULL); public extern U0 RawPrint(I64 mS=100,U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 RawPutChar(I64 ch); public extern U0 VGAFlush(); #help_index "Debugging;Debugging/Debugger" public extern U0 Dbg(U8 *msg=NULL,I64 msg_num=0); public extern U0 Panic(U8 *msg=NULL,I64 msg_num=0,Bool panic=TRUE); #help_index "Define;Char/Define" #help_file "::/Doc/Define" public extern U8 *Define(U8 *dname); public extern CHashDefineStr *DefineLoad(U8 *dname,U8 *st); public extern U0 DefinePrint(U8 *dname,U8 *src,...); #help_index "Define;Char/Define;Char/Lists" public extern I64 DefineCnt(U8 *dname); public extern CHashDefineStr *DefineLstLoad(U8 *dname,U8 *lst); public extern I64 DefineMatch(U8 *needle,U8 *haystack_lst_dname,I64 flags=0); public extern U8 *DefineSub(I64 sub,U8 *dname); #help_index "Devices;Memory/Page Tables" public extern U8 *Mem32DevAlloc(I64 size,I64 alignment); public extern U0 Mem32DevFree(U8 *base); public extern U8 *Mem64DevAlloc(I64 *_pages1Gig); public extern U0 Mem64DevFree(U8 *base,I64 pages1Gig); public extern CDevGlbls dev; #help_index "DolDoc/Clip" public extern CDoc *sys_clip_doc; #help_index "DolDoc/Task;StdOut/Task" #help_file "::/Doc/StdOutTask" extern CDoc *(*fp_doc_put)(CTask *task=NULL); #help_index "Exceptions" public extern U0 Break(); public extern Bool BreakLock(CTask *task=NULL); public extern Bool BreakUnlock(CTask *task=NULL); public extern U0 PutExcept(Bool catch_it=TRUE); extern U0 SysTry(U8 *start_label,U8 *skip_label); extern U0 SysUntry(); public extern U0 throw(I64 ch=0,Bool no_log=FALSE); #help_index "File/CD DVD" public extern U0 DVDImageRead(U8 dvd_drv_let,U8 *out_name); public extern U0 DVDImageWrite(U8 dvd_drv_let, U8 *in_name=NULL,I64 media_type=MT_DVD); #help_index "File/CFile" public extern Bool FBlkRead(CFile *f,U8 *buf,I64 blk=FFB_NEXT_BLK,I64 cnt=1); public extern Bool FBlkWrite(CFile *f,U8 *buf,I64 blk=FFB_NEXT_BLK,I64 cnt=1); public extern U0 FClose(CFile *f); public extern CFile *FOpen(U8 *filename,U8 *flags,I64 cnt=0); public extern I64 FSize(CFile *f); #help_index "File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically)" public extern Bool Cd(U8 *dirname=NULL,Bool make_dirs=FALSE); public extern I64 Del(U8 *files_find_mask,Bool make_mask=FALSE, Bool del_dir=FALSE,Bool print_msg=TRUE); public extern I64 Dir(U8 *files_find_mask="*",Bool full=FALSE); public extern Bool DirMk(U8 *filename,I64 entry_cnt=0); public extern Bool Drv(U8 drv_let); public extern U0 DskChg(U8 drv_let=0); public extern U0 HomeSet(U8 *dirname); #help_index "File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically);Install" public extern Bool DrvMap(U8 drv_let,CDrv *dv); #help_index "File/FileNames" extern CDirEntry *Cd2DirEntry(CDirEntry *tmpde,U8 *abs_name); public extern U8 *DirCur(CTask *task=NULL,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern U8 *DirFile(U8 *dirname,U8 *name=NULL,U8 *_extension=NULL); public extern U8 *DirNameAbs(U8 *dirname); public extern CBlkDev *DrvIsWritable(U8 drv_let=0,Bool except=FALSE); public extern U8 *ExtChg(U8 *filename,U8 *extension); public extern U8 *ExtDft(U8 *filename,U8 *extension); public extern U8 *FileExtDot(U8 *src); public extern U8 *FileExtRem(U8 *src,U8 *dst=NULL); public extern U8 *FileNameAbs(U8 *filename,I64 fuf_flags=0); public extern Bool FileNameChk(U8 *filename); public extern Bool FilesFindMatch(U8 *_test_name, U8 *files_find_mask,I64 fuf_flags=0); public extern Bool IsDir(U8 *dir_name); public extern Bool IsDotC(U8 *filename); public extern Bool IsDotZ(U8 *filename); public extern U0 PutDirLink(U8 *dirname,U8 *full_name=NULL); public extern U0 PutFileLink(U8 *filename,U8 *full_name=NULL, I64 line=0,Bool plain_text=FALSE); public extern U0 ToFileLine(U8 *_fl_file_line,U8 **_filename,I64 *_linenum); public extern U8 *ToggleZorNotZ(U8 *name); #help_index "File/FileNames;Misc" public extern U8 *FileNameTmpTxt(); #help_index "File/Internal" public extern U0 DirContextDel(CDirContext *dirc,Bool restore=TRUE); public extern CDirContext *DirContextNew(U8 *mask, Bool make_mask=FALSE,Bool make_dirs=FALSE,Bool no_mask=FALSE); public extern Bool DirNew(CDrv *dv,U8 *cur_dir, CDirEntry *tmpde,Bool free_old_chain=TRUE); extern I64 FileAttr(U8 *name,I64 old_attr=0); #help_index "File/Low Level" #help_file "::/Doc/FileLowLevel" public extern CBlkDev *BlkDevChk(CBlkDev *bd,Bool except=TRUE); public extern U0 BlkDevDel(CBlkDev *bd); public extern Bool BlkDevLock(CBlkDev *bd); public extern CBlkDev *BlkDevNextFreeSlot(U8 first_drv_let,I64 type); public extern Bool BlkDevUnlock(CBlkDev *bd,Bool rst=FALSE); public extern U0 BlkDevsRelease(); public extern Bool BlkRead(CDrv *dv,U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 cnt); public extern Bool BlkWrite(CDrv *dv,U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 cnt); public extern U0 BlkWriteZero(CDrv *dv,I64 blk,I64 cnt); public extern I64 Clus2Blk(CDrv *dv,I64 c); public extern I64 ClusAlloc(CDrv *dv,I64 c=0, I64 cnt=1,Bool contiguous=FALSE); public extern I64 ClusBlkRead(CDrv *dv,U8 *buf,I64 c,I64 blks); public extern I64 ClusBlkWrite(CDrv *dv,U8 *buf,I64 c,I64 blks); public extern I64 ClusNumNext(CDrv *dv,I64 c,I64 cnt=1); public extern I64 ClusRead(CDrv *dv,U8 *buf,I64 c,I64 cnt); public extern I64 ClusWrite(CDrv *dv,U8 *buf,I64 c,I64 cnt); extern Bool CopySingle(U8 *f1,U8 *f2); //Just one file public extern U8 Drv2Let(CDrv *dv=NULL); public extern CDrv *DrvChk(CDrv *dv,Bool except=TRUE); public extern U0 DrvDel(CDrv *dv); public extern Bool DrvLock(CDrv *dv); public extern CDrv *DrvMakeFreeSlot(U8 drv_let); public extern U8 *DrvModelNum(U8 drv_let=0); public extern U8 DrvNextFreeLet(U8 first_drv_let='C'); public extern U8 *DrvSerialNum(U8 drv_let=0); public extern U8 DrvTextAttrGet(U8 drv_let=0); public extern Bool DrvUnlock(CDrv *dv,Bool rst=FALSE); public extern U0 DrvsRelease(); extern U0 FAT32FreeClus(CDrv *dv,I64 c); public extern CBlkDev *Let2BlkDev(U8 drv_let=0,Bool except=TRUE); public extern I64 Let2BlkDevType(U8 drv_let); public extern CDrv *Let2Drv(U8 drv_let=0,Bool except=TRUE); public extern U8 Let2Let(U8 drv_let=0); extern I64 Name2DirClus(CDrv *dv,U8 *dirname); extern I64 Name2ParentDirClus(CDrv *dv,U8 *dirname); extern U0 RedSeaFreeClus(CDrv *dv,I64 c,I64 cnt); #help_index "File/Program Routines" public extern U0 DirEntryDel(CDirEntry *tmpde); public extern U0 DirEntryDel2(CDirEntry *tmpde); public extern U0 DirTreeDel(CDirEntry *tmpde); public extern U0 DirTreeDel2(CDirEntry *tmpde); public extern Bool FileFind(U8 *filename,CDirEntry *_de=NULL,I64 fuf_flags=0); public extern U8 *FileRead(U8 *filename,I64 *_size=NULL,I64 *_attr=NULL); public extern I64 FileWrite(U8 *filename, U8 *fbuf,I64 size,CDate cdt=0,I64 attr=0); #help_index "File/Program Routines;File/FileNames" public extern CDirEntry *FilesFind(U8 *files_find_mask,I64 fuf_flags=0); #help_index "File/System" public extern CATARep *ATAIDDrvs(CATARep *head,CATARep **_ata_drv, CATARep **_atapi_drv); extern CBlkDev *ATAMount(U8 first_drv_let, I64 type,I64 base0,I64 base1,I64 unit); extern Bool ATAPIStartStop(CBlkDev *bd,F64 timeout,Bool start); extern I64 ATAProbe(I64 base0,I64 base1,I64 unit); extern U0 ATAReadBlks(CBlkDev *bd,U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 cnt); extern U0 ATAWriteBlks(CBlkDev *bd,U8 *buf, I64 blk, I64 cnt); extern I64 BlkDevAdd(CBlkDev *bd,I64 prt_num=I64_MIN, Bool whole_drv,Bool make_free); extern U0 DskCacheInit(I64 size_in_U8s); public extern U0 DskCacheInvalidate(CDrv *dv); public extern I64 MountIDEAuto(); public extern CBlkDevGlbls blkdev; #help_index "Graphics/Color" extern U0 (*fp_set_std_palette)(); public extern U8 *Color2Str(U8 *buf,CColorROPU32 c); public extern CColorROPU16 Str2ColorU16(U8 *st); public extern CColorROPU32 Str2ColorU32(U8 *st); #help_index "Hash" #help_file "::/Doc/Hash" public _extern _HASH_ADD U0 HashAdd(CHash *tmph,CHashTable *table); public _extern _HASH_ADD_AFTER U0 HashAddAfter(CHash *tmph, CHash *pred,CHashTable *table); //Add hash entry after entry. public _extern _HASH_BUCKET_FIND CHash **HashBucketFind( U8 *needle_str,CHashTable *haystack_table); public _extern _HASH_FIND CHash *HashFind(U8 *needle_str, CHashTable *haystack_table,I64 mask,I64 instance=1); public _extern _HASH_SINGLE_TABLE_FIND CHash *HashSingleTableFind( U8 *needle_str,CHashTable *haystack_table,I64 mask,I64 instance=1); public _extern _HASH_STR I64 HashStr(U8 *st); public extern CHashTable *HashTableNew(I64 size,CTask *mem_task=NULL); #help_index "Hash/Frame" #help_file "::/Doc/Frame" public extern I64 FramePtr(U8 *name,CTask *task=NULL); public extern CHashGeneric *FramePtrAdd(U8 *name,I64 val=0,CTask *task=NULL); public extern I64 FramePtrDel(U8 *name,CTask *task=NULL); public extern I64 FramePtrSet(U8 *name,I64 val,CTask *task=NULL); #help_index "Hash/System" public extern U0 HashDel(CHashSrcSym *tmph); public extern CHashGeneric *HashGenericAdd(U8 *name, I64 type,I64 val=0,I64 u8=0,I64 u16=0,CTask *task=NULL); public extern CHashGeneric *HashPublic(U8 *st,I64 mask,Bool val=TRUE); public _extern _HASH_REM_DEL Bool HashRemDel(CHash *tmph,CHashTable *table, I64 instance=1);//instance must match tmph's public extern U0 HashTableDel(CHashTable *table); public extern I64 HashTablePurge(CHashTable *table); public extern I64 HashTypeNum(CHash *tmph); public extern I64 HashVal(CHash *tmph); extern U0 SysSymImportsResolve(U8 *sptr,I64 ld_flags=0); #help_index "Hash/System;Char/Lists" public extern I64 HashLstAdd(U8 *lst,I64 type,CHashTable *table); #help_index "Hash/System;Define;Char/Define;Char/Lists" public extern I64 HashDefineLstAdd(U8 *dname,I64 type,CHashTable *table); #help_index "Help System;Debugging/Debugger" public extern U0 Help(); #help_index "Info;File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically);Install" public extern U0 DrvRep(); #help_index "Install" #help_file "::/Doc/Install" extern CATARep *ATARepFind(CATARep *haystack_head,I64 needle_num); public extern Bool DrvEnable(U8 drv_let,Bool val); #help_index "Install;File/Cmd Line (Typically);Cmd Line (Typically);" public extern U0 Fmt(U8 drv_let,Bool quick=TRUE, Bool confirm=TRUE,I64 type=FSt_FAT32); #help_index "Install;Memory/BlkPool" public extern I64 Scale2Mem(I64 min,I64 max,I64 limit=2*1024*1024*1024); #help_index "Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe" public extern U0 AdamErr(U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 AdamLog(U8 *fmt,...); public extern I64 ExeCmdLine(CCmpCtrl *cc); public extern U0 JobDel(CJob *tmpc); public extern I64 JobsHndlr(I64 run_flags,CTask *task=NULL); extern U0 SrvCmdLine(); public extern U0 SrvTaskCont(); public extern CJob *TaskExe(CTask *srv,CTask *master,U8 *data,I64 flags); public extern U0 TaskRstAwaitingMsg(CTask *task=NULL); public extern U0 UserTaskCont(); #help_index "Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe;Compiler" public extern I64 Adam(U8 *fmt,...); public extern I64 PopUp(U8 *buf,CTask *parent=NULL,CTask **_pu_task=NULL); public extern I64 PopUpPrint(U8 *fmt,...); #help_index "Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe;MultiCore" public extern I64 JobResGet(CJob *rqst=NULL); public extern Bool JobResScan(CJob *rqst=NULL,I64 *_res=NULL); #help_index "Job/Text & Msgs;Task/Job/Text & Msgs" public extern CJob *TaskText(CTask *srv,CTask *master,U8 *data,I64 flags); #help_index "Job/Text & Msgs;Task/Job/Text & Msgs;InFile;StdIn/InFile" public extern U0 In(U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 InFile(U8 *filename); public extern U0 InStr(U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 XTalk(CTask *task,U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 XTalkStr(CTask *task,U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 XTalkStrWait(CTask *task,U8 *fmt,...); public extern U0 XTalkWait(CTask *task,U8 *fmt,...); #help_index "Job/Text & Msgs;Task/Job/Text & Msgs;Messages" public extern U0 Msg(I64 msg_code,I64 arg1,I64 arg2,I64 flags=0); public extern U0 PostMsg(CTask *task, I64 msg_code,I64 arg1,I64 arg2,I64 flags=0); public extern U0 PostMsgWait(CTask *task,I64 msg_code, I64 arg1,I64 arg2,I64 flags=0); public extern CJob *TaskMsg(CTask *srv,CTask *master, I64 msg_code,I64 arg1,I64 arg2,I64 flags); #help_index "Job;Task/Job" #help_file "::/Doc/Job" #help_index "Keyboard Devices/System;Char/System" #help_file "::/Doc/KeyDev" public extern U0 CtrlAltCBSet(U8 ch,U0 (*fp_hndlr)(I64 sc), U8 *no_shift_desc=NULL,U8 *shift_desc=NULL,Bool in_irq=FALSE); public extern U0 KeyDescSet(U8 *fmt,...); public extern CKeyDevEntry *KeyDevAdd(Bool (*fp_put_key)(I64 ch,I64 sc), Bool (*fp_puts)(U8 *st),I64 priority,Bool key_descs=FALSE); public extern U0 KeyDevRem(CKeyDevEntry *tmpk); extern CKeyDevGlbls keydev; extern CJob sys_macro_head; extern CTask *sys_macro_task; #help_index "Keyboard Devices;Char/Input;StdIn" extern U8 *(*fp_getstr2)(I64 flags=0); //GetStr Flags public extern Bool AreYouSure(); public extern I64 GetChar(I64 *_scan_code=NULL,Bool echo=TRUE, Bool raw_cursor=FALSE); public extern I64 GetKey(I64 *_scan_code=NULL,Bool echo=FALSE, Bool raw_cursor=FALSE); public extern I64 GetS(U8 *buf,I64 size,Bool allow_ext=TRUE); public extern U8 *GetStr(U8 *msg=NULL,U8 *dft=NULL,I64 flags=0); extern U0 KbdInit(); public extern I64 KbdMsEvtTime(); extern U0 KbdMsHndlr(Bool poll_kbd,Bool poll_ms); extern U0 KbdMsInit(); extern I64 KbdMsgsQue(); public extern U0 KbdTypeMatic(U8 delay); extern Bool MsHardDrvrInstall(); public extern I64 PressAKey(); public extern I64 ScanChar(); public extern Bool ScanKey(I64 *_ch=NULL,I64 *_scan_code=NULL,Bool echo=FALSE); public extern Bool YorN(); public extern CKbdStateGlbls kbd; #help_index "Math" public extern I64 CeilI64(I64 num,I64 to); public extern U64 CeilU64(U64 num,U64 to); public extern F64 Clamp(F64 d,F64 lo,F64 hi); public extern I64 FloorI64(I64 num,I64 to); public extern U64 FloorU64(U64 num,U64 to); public extern F64 Max(F64 n1,F64 n2); public extern F64 Min(F64 n1,F64 n2); public extern F64 Pow10I64(I64 i); public extern F64 Rand(); //With timestamp public extern I16 RandI16(); public extern I32 RandI32(); public extern I64 RandI64(); public extern U16 RandU16(); public extern U32 RandU32(); public extern U64 RandU64(); public extern I64 RoundI64(I64 num,I64 to); public extern I64 Seed(I64 seed=0,CTask *task=NULL); #help_index "Memory/Adam Heap" public extern U8 *ACAlloc(I64 size); public extern U8 *AMAlloc(I64 size); public extern U8 *AMAllocIdent(U8 *src); #help_index "Memory/BlkPool" public extern U0 BlkPoolAdd(CBlkPool *bp,CMemBlk *m,I64 pags); public extern U0 BlkPoolInit(CBlkPool *bp,I64 pags); public extern U8 *MemPagAlloc(I64 pags,CBlkPool *bp=NULL); public extern U0 MemPagFree(CMemBlk *m,CBlkPool *bp=NULL); #help_index "Memory/Heap" public extern U8 *CAlloc(I64 size,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern U8 *CAllocAligned(I64 size,I64 alignment, CTask *mem_task=NULL,I64 misalignment=0); public _extern _FREE U0 Free(U8 *addr); public _extern _MALLOC U8 *MAlloc(I64 size,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public extern U8 *MAllocAligned(I64 size,I64 alignment, CTask *mem_task=NULL,I64 misalignment=0); public extern U8 *MAllocIdent(U8 *src,CTask *mem_task=NULL); public _extern _MHEAP_CTRL CHeapCtrl *MHeapCtrl(U8 *src); public _extern _MSIZE I64 MSize(U8 *src); //size of heap object public _extern _MSIZE2 I64 MSize2(U8 *src); //Internal size #help_index "Memory/HeapCtrl" public extern U0 HeapCtrlDel(CHeapCtrl *hc); public extern CHeapCtrl *HeapCtrlInit(CHeapCtrl *hc=NULL, CTask *task=NULL,CBlkPool *bp); #help_index "Memory/Page Tables" public extern I64 *MemPageTable(U8 *a); #help_index "Messages" #help_file "::/Doc/Msgs" public extern I64 FlushMsgs(CTask *task=NULL); public extern I64 GetMsg(I64 *_arg1=NULL,I64 *_arg2=NULL, I64 mask=~1,CTask *task=NULL); extern U0 InputFilterTask(); public extern I64 ScanMsg(I64 *_arg1=NULL,I64 *_arg2=NULL, I64 mask=~1,CTask *task=NULL); #help_index "Misc" public extern I64 EndianI64(I64 d); public extern U16 EndianU16(U16 d); public extern U32 EndianU32(U32 d); public extern U0 QSort(U8 *base,I64 num, I64 width, I64 (*fp_compare)(U8 *e1,U8 *e2)); public extern U0 QSortI64(I64 *base,I64 num, I64 (*fp_compare)(I64 e1,I64 e2)); public extern F64 sys_os_version; #help_index "Misc/Progress Bars" public extern U0 ProgressBarsRst(U8 *path=NULL); #help_index "Mouse" #help_file "::/Doc/Mouse" public extern U0 GridInit(); public extern U0 MsSet(I64 x=I64_MAX,I64 y=I64_MAX,I64 z=I64_MAX, I64 l=I64_MAX,I64 r=I64_MAX); public extern CMsStateGlbls ms; public extern CGridGlbls ms_grid; public extern CMsHardStateGlbls ms_hard; extern CMsHardStateGlbls ms_hard_last; extern CMsStateGlbls ms_last; #help_index "Mouse/Ptr" extern U0 MsInit(); extern U0 MsUpdate(I64 x,I64 y,I64 z,Bool l,Bool r); #help_index "MultiCore" extern U0 Core0StartMP(); extern U0 CoreAPSethTask(); public extern U0 MPInt(U8 num,I64 cpu_num=1); public extern U0 MPIntAll(U8 num); public extern U0 MPNMInt(); extern CTask *SpawnQue(U0 (*fp_addr)(U8 *data),U8 *data=NULL, U8 *task_name=NULL,I64 target_cpu, CTask *parent=NULL, //NULL means adam I64 stk_size=0,I64 flags=1<<JOBf_ADD_TO_QUE); #help_index "MultiCore;Boot" public extern U0 MPHalt(); #help_index "MultiCore;Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe" public extern CJob *JobQue(I64 (*fp_addr)(U8 *data),U8 *data=NULL, I64 target_cpu=1,I64 flags=1<<JOBf_FREE_ON_COMPLETE, I64 job_code=JOBT_CALL,U8 *aux_str=NULL,I64 aux1=0,I64 aux2=0); #help_index "PCI" public extern I64 PCIClassFind(I64 class_code,I64 n); public extern U16 PCIReadU16(I64 bus,I64 dev,I64 fun,I64 rg); public extern U32 PCIReadU32(I64 bus,I64 dev,I64 fun,I64 rg); public extern U8 PCIReadU8(I64 bus,I64 dev,I64 fun,I64 rg); public extern U0 PCIWriteU16(I64 bus,I64 dev,I64 fun,I64 rg,I64 val); public extern U0 PCIWriteU32(I64 bus,I64 dev,I64 fun,I64 rg,I64 val); public extern U0 PCIWriteU8(I64 bus,I64 dev,I64 fun,I64 rg,I64 val); public _extern SYS_PCIBIOS_SERVICE_DIR U32 sys_PCIBIOS_service_dir;//Far call routine in the BIOS public _extern SYS_PCI_SERVICES U32 sys_pci_services;//Far call routine in the BIOS #help_index "PCI;Info;File/System;Devices" public extern I64 ATARep(Bool pmt=TRUE, Bool just_ide=FALSE,CATARep **_head=NULL); #help_index "Processor" public extern U8 *IntEntryGet(I64 irq); public extern U8 *IntEntrySet(I64 irq, U0 (*fp_new_hndlr)(),I64 type=IDTET_IRQ,I64 dpl=0); #help_index "ScrnCast;Cmd Line (Typically)" public extern Bool ScrnCast(Bool val=ON,Bool just_audio=FALSE, U8 *print_fmt="B:/Tmp/%X.GR") public extern CScrnCastGlbls scrncast; #help_index "Snd" #help_file "::/Doc/Snd" public extern U0 Beep(I8 ona=62,Bool busy=FALSE); public extern I8 Freq2Ona(F64 freq); public extern Bool IsMute(); public extern Bool Mute(Bool val); public extern F64 Ona2Freq(I64 ona); public extern U0 Snd(I8 ona=0); public extern U0 SndRst(); #help_index "StdIn" #help_file "::/Doc/Streams" #help_index "StdOut" #help_file "::/Doc/Streams" #help_index "Task" public extern I64 BirthWait(CTask **_task,I64 task_num=-1); public extern U0 DeathWait(CTask **_task,Bool send_exit=FALSE); public extern U0 Exit(); public extern Bool IsSuspended(CTask *task=NULL); public extern Bool Kill(CTask *task,Bool wait=TRUE,Bool just_break=FALSE); public extern Bool Suspend(CTask *task=NULL,Bool state=TRUE); _extern _TASK_CONTEXT_RESTORE U0 TaskContextRestore(); _extern _TASK_END_NOW U0 TaskEndNow(); extern U0 TaskKillDying(); public extern U0 TaskQueIns(CTask *task,CTask *pred=NULL); public extern U0 TaskQueRem(CTask *task); public extern Bool TaskValidate(CTask *task); public extern U0 TaskWait(CTask *task=NULL,Bool cmd_line_pmt=FALSE); public extern CTask *User(U8 *fmt=NULL,...); public extern U0 UserCmdLine(); public _extern _YIELD U0 Yield(); public extern CTask *adam_task; public extern I64 sys_num_spawned_tasks; extern CTask *sys_winmgr_task,*sys_task_being_scrn_updated; #help_index "Task/Delay;Time/CPU Cycles" public extern U0 Busy(I64 uS); //Loosely timed public extern U0 PortNop(); //On the order of 1uS extern I64 TimeCal(); #help_index "Task/Delay;Time/Jiffies" public extern U0 Sleep(I64 mS); public extern U0 SleepUntil(I64 wake_jiffy); #help_index "Task/Misc" extern U0 (*fp_update_ctrls)(CTask *task); public extern U0 TSSBusy(I64 tr,Bool val=OFF); public extern U0 TaskDerivedValsUpdate(CTask *task=NULL,Bool update_z_buf=TRUE); public extern U0 WinDerivedValsUpdate(CTask *task); #help_index "Task;Job/Exe;Task/Job/Exe;MultiCore" public extern CTask *Spawn(U0 (*fp_addr)(U8 *data),U8 *data=NULL, U8 *task_name=NULL,I64 target_cpu=-1, //-1 means current CPU CTask *parent=NULL, //NULL means adam I64 stk_size=0,I64 flags=1<<JOBf_ADD_TO_QUE); #help_index "Time/CPU Cycles;Time/HPET;Time/Jiffies" public extern CCntsGlbls cnts; #help_index "Time/Date/CDate;Date/CDate" #help_file "::/Doc/TimeDate" public extern U0 Date2Struct(CDateStruct *_ds,CDate cdt); extern U8 *MPrintDate(CDate cdt); extern U8 *MPrintTime(CDate cdt); public extern CDate Now(); public extern CDate Struct2Date(CDateStruct *_ds); public extern CDate local_time_offset; #help_index "Time/Date;Date" #help_file "::/Doc/Date" public extern I64 DayOfWeek(I64 i); public extern I64 FirstDayOfMon(I64 i); public extern I64 FirstDayOfYear(I64 i); public extern I64 LastDayOfMon(I64 i); public extern I64 LastDayOfYear(I64 i); public extern I64 YearStartDate(I64 year); public extern U16 mon_start_days1[12]; public extern U16 mon_start_days2[12]; #help_index "Time/HPET" #help_file "::/Doc/TimeHPET" public extern I64 HPET(); #help_index "Time/Jiffies" #help_file "::/Doc/TimeJiffy" public extern I64 SysTimerRead();//18.33333*65536Hz (SYS_TIMER_FREQ) #help_index "Time/Seconds" public extern Bool Blink(F64 Hz=2.5); public extern F64 tS(); //From SysTimerFreq. #help_index "Windows" public extern Bool WinInside(I64 x,I64 y,CTask *task=NULL,I64 border=0); #help_index ""